Mini Soft Fruits Tarts (Tortine mignon ai frutti di bosco)

These delicious mini tarts are part of the Italian so called "Pasticceria mignon" which means Mini Pastry, more or less. You can use either fresh or frozen soft fruits. Be aware that the frozen ones tend to lose their juice once left at room temperature, which can degrade the tart. I am so lucky to have the back of my garden full of this wonderful little fruits in summertime, I still have some now due to the warm temperatures, so I have used fresh ones. For the cream filling you must refer to the post "Italian Pastry Cream" on this blog.

Makes 12 Mini tarts
- For the crust
1 piece of lemon peel or a teaspoon vanilla extract
80 gr. Fine white sugar
300 gr. Pastry Flour
1 Egg
130 gr. Softened butter, chopped

- For the filling
6 Blackberries
6 Raspberries
1 Tbs of Powdered sugar

Instructions for the Crust:
Add in a Food Processor the lemon peel and the sugar, mix till the sugar is powdered. Add the other ingredients. Mix for 20 sec. at medium speed. 

Get the mixture out and give it a ball shape. Cover it with a plastic bag and place it in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. Pre-heat the oven at 170°C.

After 30 minutes take the pastry out out the fridge, place it on a well floured surface and roll it out as thinner as you can. With a round glass cut 12 small rounds. 

Place them in a mini tart baking tray. Cut the exeeding pastry with a small knife. With a fork make some holes on the bottom of each mini tart. Place it inthe Pre-heated oven for 10 - 15 minutes. When the tarts start to turn golden take them out from the oven and let them cool

When the cups are cooled place one teaspoon of cream on each and a soft fruit on the top.

Place them on a serving tray. Powder with powdered sugar and serve. Buon Appetito!