Roasted Paprika Salad (Insalata di Peperoni Arrostiti)

Typical Summertime barbecue Italian salad, Roasted Paprika salad is one of my favourited. If you can find them, the best is to use these Italian (or Southern) big, long, red and green paprikas. This salad is very simple and easy to make but will surprise you with his taste! I roast the paprikas on the barbeque grid, if you can't do that, roast them on a cast iron ribbed fry pan. This salad is perfect for our vegan or vegetarian friends.

Serving 4
4 Paprikas
4-5 Tbs Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 bunch of Parsley (Italian flat)
2 Garlic cloves
Grey unrfined sea salt to taste
Pepper to taste
Few drops of Balsamic Vinegar from Modena (Facultative)
A barbecue grill or a cast iron ribbed fry pan (normally used to grill steaks)on medium-high heat.
Wash and dry the Paprikas. 
Place them on a barbeque grid, or on the cast iron ribbed fry pan. let them roast, till the skin gets little burned. Take them from the grid, place them in a bowl , cover the bowl and let them rest for 15 minutes. This prosess will make the paprikas easy to peel.
 After 15 minutes cut off the top, peel and unseed the paprikas.
Cut them in halfs.
Cut each half in long stripes.
Place them in a mixing bowl with the finely cut parsley and garlic, the salt, pepper, olive oil and the vinegar (facultative). Mix it well and let them rest to generate their tasty juice.
Serve cold on a serving plate, garnish with some persley leaves. Buon Appetito!