Roasted Chicken with Red Peppers

 Very tasty Italian chicken recipie, very easy to prepare. Good for any occasion, always a great success with guests! Preferably use red or red and yellow peppers, they are sweeter and perfect for this recipe. I only had red ones this time...But isn't this dish a feast of colours?

serves 6-8
8 -10 Medium red peppers (or red and yellow)
1 Medium chicken cleaned and cut in small pieces
2 Medium onions (or 4 small)
6-8 Tbs extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
1 Garlic clove
6 Spring onions (optional)
1/3 Cup of white dry wine (optional)
1/4 Cup finely cut parsley for decoration

Cut the chicken in small pieces. Set aside. Clean and finely cut the spring onions. Preheat the oven at 200C° (360F°).

Cut the peppers in half, take off the upper part, the seeds and white internal stripes. 

Cut them in about 10cm long stripes. Cut the onions in a fine julienne. Set aside.

Add 3 Tbs Olive oil in a frying pan, add the spring onions, the garlic and the chicken. Add pepper and salt. 

Cook for about 5 minutes till the chicken starts to change colour. Add the whithe wine. Evaporate the wine. Cook for few further minutes.

Remove the garlic clove. Transfer the chicken in an oven pan. Use the same frying pan to cook the onions and peppers for few minutes on the fire, add 3 Tbs olive oil, salt and pepper. Cook for few minutes stiring with a wooden spoon. Pour the lightely cooked peppers and onions in the oven pan, cover the chicken.

Cover the oven pan with an aluminium foil.  Place it in the oven 200C°(390F°) for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes take the foil off and reduce to 180C° (360F°) if necessary (depending on your oven). Cook for further 30-40 minutes.

 After 30-40 minutes your chicken with peppers is ready! Sprinkle with finely cut parsley.

Place the chicken and the peppers on a serving plate with the cooking sauce. Buon appetito!